October 30, 2013

How to Change the Plot Area Background Color in Spreadsheets 2013?

In Spreadsheets 2013, you can insert chart in spreadsheet to show data in a graph, in which data is represented by symbols, like bars, lines, or slices.
A chart is composed of these parts:
Chart Area
Plot Area
Category Axis
Value Axis
Value Axis Major Gridlines
Data Series
You can change the settings of each part of the chart. In this guide, we will show you the steps to change plot area background color.

Change plot area background color

Step 1 Select the plot area of the chart. If you are not sure which part of the chart is called plot area, see the following screenshot:
change plot area background color
Figure 1 Plot Area
Note: Be careful not to select the horizontal grid lines running through the plot area rather than the background itself.
Step 2 Double click on the Plot Area to bring up the Plot Area Properties dialog. Here you can change the border color and style, and area background color of the plot. Choose a new color for plot area and press OK.
change plot area background color
Figure 2 Plot Area Properties
Beside the above method, you can also highlight the chart, and go to Chart Tools tab. In the list box under Chart Tools, choose Plot Area, and then click on Format Chart to open Plot Area Properties (see Figure 2) directly. See following:
change plot area background color
Figure 3 Format Plot Area in Chart Tools tab

October 28, 2013

How to use Paragraph Layout feature in Writer 2013

From 2012 version, Writer offers a Paragraph Layout feature, which can help you easily adjust paragraph indent and spacing. This feature is available in both Free and Professional edition of Writer. Follow steps in this guide to use Paragraph Layout in Writer 2013.

Enable Paragraph Layout

By default, the paragraph layout icon paragraph layout is shown on the left of the paragraph where cursor is placed. You can click on it to select the current paragraph you are editing. If you can not see this icon, go to Home tab and click on Show/Hide Paragraph Layout icon to enble it. See following screenshot.
enable paragraph layout

Adjust paragraph indent and spacing

Click on the paragraph layout icon paragraph layout to select current paragraph. You will see the paragraph background color turns grey. Then you can use the mouse to drag the arrow on each side to adjust spacing and indent. 
Adjust First Line Indent:
paragraph layout first line indent
Adjust Before Spacing:
paragraph layout before line spacing
Adjust After Spacing:
Adjust Left Indent:
paragraph layout left indent
Adjust Right Indent:

Adjust line spacing and other settings

When paragraph layout icon is on, the Paragraph Layout tab will be activated. You can see this tab on the program toolbar. For line spacing and other settings of the selected paragraph, you can go to the Paragraph Layout tab to apply them. For example, you can set Tight or Loose line spacing, text alignment, and styles to the paragraph. After applying all desired styles, simply press the close button on the top right to exit Paragraph Layout.
paragraph layout tab

Reset paragraph format

When you want to clear the format you have set to the paragraph, click on the arrow of Paragraph Layout icon and select Reset Paragraph Format. And all the formatting will be cleared. You can also hide Paragraph Layout icon by clicking on Hide Paragraph Layout Icon
paragraph layout

How to Set Tab Stops to adjust document layout in Writer 2013

In Office 2013, you can use tab stops to adjust text layout. Follow this article to set tab stops, or clear them in Writer 2013.

Set tab stops by using the ruler

Step 1 Select the text that you want to adjust layout. Or you can first set tab stop position and type the text later.
Step 2 Go to the horizontal ruler that runs along the top of the document, and click to insert left tab stops.
insert tab stop
Figure 1 Insert Left Tab Stop
If can not see the horizontal ruler in Writer, you can go to View tab and check ruler option.
set up ruler for tab stop
Figure 2 Enable Horizontal Ruler
Step 3 Place cursor in text where you want to insert tab stop and press Tab key in your keyboard. You will find the text is aligned according to the tab stop position.

Adjust tab stop alignment

There are four types of alignment for Tabs. You can change the alignment by double click on tab stops you've inserted to ruler and change it in the pop-up dialog. See following:
adjust tab stop position
Figure 3 Set Tab Stop Alignment and Leader
Decimal: Decimal tab stop aligns numbers around a decimal point. The decimal point in number of digits will be in the same position.
Left: Sets the left start position of text and the text will run to the right.
Center: sets the middle position of the text.Text centers on this tab stop position.
Right: Sets the right end of text.
1. You can delete a tab stop by dragging it (up or down) off the ruler. When you release the mouse button, the tab stop disappears.
2. You can also drag existing tab stops left or right along the ruler to a different position.
3. When multiple paragraphs are selected, only the tabs from the first paragraph show on the ruler.

Add leader between tab stops

You can add dotted leader between tab stops or other formatting marks, which can be selected in the Tab stop dialog (see Figure 3). Select the leader format you'd like to use and press OK to finish.

Clear Tab stops from text

Select the line of text that you want to clear tab stop. Double click on the tab stop you want to clear and the Tab dialog box will pop up (see Figure 3). In this Tab dialog, press Clear All to remove tab stops.

October 27, 2013

How to Create Indents in Writer 2013

Want to change the distance between a paragraph and page margins but in vain? Want to get text to line up with the line above but it just never comes close to? If you have met with similar problems, you are in the right place.
In Kingsoft Writer 2013, you can use tab stops, paragraph layout, and indent marker on ruler to adjust the indent. In this guide, we will show you how to use indent marker on ruler to adjust the distance between paragraph and page margins, and line up text.
There are three types of indented paragraph:
Left (right) indent: increase or decrease the left and right indentation of the whole paragraph.
First line indent: the first line of the paragraph is indented in order to differentiate from the previous paragraph.
Hanging indent: all but the first line of the paragraph is indented
left indent marker right indent marker
hanging indent marker first line indent marker

Create left or right indent

Step 1 Enable horizontal ruler in Writer. Go to View > Ruler to enable ruler.
enable ruler in writer 2013
Step 2 You will see indent markers on the horizontal ruler.
If you want to change the indent of multiple paragraphs, highlight the paragraphs first and then place cursor on Left Indent or Right Indent marker and drag it to a new place.
hanging indent in writer 2013
Figure 1 Left indent in writer 2013
right indent in writer 2013
Figure 2 Right indent in writer 2013
Note: When you drag Left Indent marker, First Line marker moves together with it. An easier way to change left indent is by clicking on Decrease Indent decrease indentor Increase Indent increase indent under Home tab.

Create first line indent

To create first line indent, the steps are similar with creating left and right indent.
Highlight the paragraph(s) you want to change first line indent, then click on First Line Indent maker and drag it to a new place.
first line indent in writer 2013
Figure 3 First Line Indent in writer 2013

Create hanging indent

In a hanging indent, the second and subsequent lines of a paragraph are indented.
Highlight paragraph(s) and click on Hanging Indent marker, then drag it to a new location on the ruler.

October 26, 2013

How to Convert Text to a Table or a Table to Text in Writer 2013

In Kingsoft Writer 2013, text can be converted to a table and vice versa. Follow this guide to do the conversion.
Convert text to a table
Step 1 Separate the text with characters like commas, space, tabs and etc. Use separator characters to indicate where you want to divide the text into columns. Use paragraph marks to indicate where a new row starts.
In the following example, we separate text with commas. You can see clearly where a new column will begin after the text is converted to table.
convert text to table
Step 2 Select the text and go to Insert > Table > Convert Text to Table.
convert text to table
In the pop-up dialog, select Commas under Separate text at, and the Table size is automatically calculated with the right number of columns and rows. If you don't see the right number of columns, you may be missing a separator character in one or more lines of text.
convert text to table
Press OK. You will get the following table:
text to table

Convert a table to text

Step 1 Select the table you want to convert to text.
Step 2 Go to Insert > Table > Convert Table to Text. In the pop-up dialog, choose separator characters you'd like to use from the list, or define your own separator by entering it into the text area of Other. This separator is used to divide text into columns.
convert table to textconvert table to text
If there is nested table within the selected table, which means another table is embedded to the selected table, choose the option of Convert nested tables in the above dialog to convert it to text. Press OK.
Rows are separated with paragraph marks by default.

October 25, 2013

How to Connect Text Box, Link Text Box in Writer 2013

You can link text boxes together so that text can flow from the first text box to the next one. Connected text boxes can span multiple pages. This is quite useful when composing newspaper, magazine and similar stuff.
Use connected boxes to:

  • Continue a piece of content in another text box
  • Create columns of different widths
  • Move text from the first text box into another one

Create Text Box Link

Step 1 If needed, create a new text box.
Step 2 Click in the text box you’d like to set as the first text box.
Step 3 Click Create Text Box Link from the toolbar under Drawing Tools tab.
create text box link
Step 4 The mouse pointer changes to a pitcher. Click in the text box you want as the next. 
connect text box
This text box is now linked to the first box and text in the overflow now appears in the next box.
connect text box
To connect more text boxes, repeat steps 3 and 4.
To check which text box is linked to the current one, you can click on the border of the text box to select it, and click Next Text Box option in Drawing Tools tab. See following:
next text box

Break text box link

To disconnect two linked text boxes, select the text box with links to another one, and click Break Forward Link in the toolbar under Drawing Tools tab.
break text box link