February 12, 2014

How to Change Default Font in Spreadsheets 2013

When you create a new workbook in Kingsoft Spreadsheets, the workbook will adopt a font style of Times New Roman, with the size of 12 as default. While, you can change this to your favourite font and size. In Spreadsheet 2013, do the following:
1. Go to > to bring up the Options window.
2. Click the General and Save tab. Choose a font style from the drop-down list and a size in the Standard font menu. Then press OK.

set font in spreadsheet

Then when you create a new workbook, the font size and style will apply the new settings.
Also read:

Guide for Setting Font in Kingsoft Writer

How to Change the Author Name for Documents in Writer 2013

Every time you create a new document, Kingsoft Writer will attach the author information to the document according to your settings in Writer Options. This name also appears in comments and tracked changes. To change the author name, simply follow these steps.

Change author name for new documents

Step 1 Launch Writer 2013 and go to Writer > Options.
Step 2 In the dialog that prompts, select User Information on the left. And on the right window, change the author name. You may also change Initials and Mailing address here.
change author name
Step 3 Press OK to finish.

Change author name of existing document

To change the author name of existing document, you may follow these steps.
Step 1 Open an existing document with Writer 2013.
Step 2 Go to Writer > File Information > Properties.
change document properties
Step 3 In Properties dialog box, change author name to another one.
change author name
Changing author name in document property will not affect the author name in newly created document.

How to Add Color to Sheet Tabs in Spreadsheets 2013

In Spreadsheets 2013, you can apply different tab colors to each sheet tab, or the same color to all sheet tabs of your workbook. Follow these guide to add colors to the sheet tabs.

Select sheet tabs

Step 1 Launch Spreadsheets 2013, and open an existing workbook that has more than one sheets.
Step 2 Select one or more than one sheet tabs.
. To select one sheet tab, simple click on it. 
. To select more than one tabs, hold on Ctrl and select sheet tabs (can be discontinuously).
. To select all tabs, select the first sheet tab, then hold on Shift key and select the last tab. Or, you can simply right click on one of the sheet tabs, and choose Select All Sheets.
select all sheets

Apply color to selected sheet tabs

There are two methods to apply a color to the selected sheet tab(s).
1. Right click on the sheet tab(s) and go to Tab Color, and choose a color from the color pallette.
2. Somesimes if you have selected multiple sheet tabs, right clicking might cancel the selection. In this case, you can go to Home tab (2013 Style interface) > Worksheet > Tab Color and choose a color to apply. See following:
apply sheet tab color

How to Batch Convert Text to Hyperlinks in Spreadsheets 2013

Have you ever run into this problem before, when you open your Excel or Spreadsheets files, there’re tons of links inactivated, you have to select and activate each link one by one? With Kingsoft Spreadsheets, we can help to save you the trouble. You are allowed to activate multiple hyperlinks at once.

Follow the steps below to batch create hyperlinks

Step 1: Select the cell range containing the inactivated hyperlinks. The range of cells can be discontinuous.
Step 2: Under 2013 Style interface, go to Format.
Step 3: select Convert Text to Hyperlink from the drop down list to finish.

batch create hyperlinks click format

What kind of hyperlink or url can be activated?

A URL containing a protocol, such as HTTP, FTP, or FILE, a Web server or network location, a path and file name, and you can also activate an Email Address. The following illustration defines the parts of the URL:
1. Protocol used (http, ftp, file) such as:
2. Web server or network location, such as:
www. Kingsoftstore.com
3. Email address such as:

February 11, 2014

Introducing Writer Wednesday

Kingsoft Writer - Helping authors get it done since 1995.

While no two writers are the same, they all have one thing in common - needing a place to record their thoughts. Whether it be behind a keyboard or jotting down handwritten notes, every author has their own formula for success.

While the Kingsoft Office suite can be used for a myriad of tasks, writing is undoubtedly at its core. With Kingsoft Writer, authors can craft their next masterpiece faster and more efficiently than ever before. Whenever the moment strikes, let Writer be your right-hand man (or App, for that matter).

Because we get how challenging a writer’s job can be, we want to celebrate the authors of the world with a dose of weekly writing wisdom. Check out our Facebook page every Wednesday, where you will find a new quote from our favorite authors (hand picked by our very own editorial team).

Have a suggestion? We’d love to hear it. Leave us a comment in the thread below, or send us a message on Facebook.

Good luck fellow novelists, bloggers, journalists, story writers, and poets - may your creativity know no bounds and may Writer always be by your side.

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind" - William Shakespeare 

February 8, 2014

How to Batch Convert Text to Hyperlinks in Spreadsheets 2013

Have you ever run into this problem before, when you open your Excel or Spreadsheets files, there’re tons of links inactivated, you have to select and activate each link one by one? With Kingsoft Spreadsheets, we can help to save you the trouble. You are allowed to activate multiple hyperlinks at once.

Follow the steps below to batch create hyperlinks

Step 1: Select the cell range containing the inactivated hyperlinks. The range of cells can be discontinuous.
Step 2: Under 2013 Style interface, go to Format.
Step 3: select Convert Text to Hyperlink from the drop down list to finish.
batch create hyperlinks click format

What kind of hyperlink or url can be activated?

A URL containing a protocol, such as HTTP, FTP, or FILE, a Web server or network location, a path and file name, and you can also activate an Email Address. The following illustration defines the parts of the URL:
1. Protocol used (http, ftp, file) such as:
2. Web server or network location, such as: 
www. Kingsoftstore.com
3. Email address such as: 